Why Lear 45
The Real Cockpit
The Visual System
The Electronics
The Gauges
The Throttle
Central Pedestal
The Yoke and Pedals
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Why did I choose a Lear and not a Boeing-class cockpit? Well, there are several reasons:
The Lear 45 has a cleaner and simpler cockpit. Not so many switches, knobs, etc. so it is cheaper to build.
Did I mention that there is NO upper panel? Things are so much simpler.
Lear 45 has a reasonable range so I can use most of the routes I'd "fly" with a B737.
It has a modern MFD layout so I can "fly" a modern aircraft equipped with the latest technology.
Copyright 2005, Alexander Lawrence. All Rights
Learjet, Gamma Ray 256, Propoxy20, GF-MCP, GF166A-VRP, GF-P8, CH Pedals and CH Yoke are trade marks of their respective companies. |